Pt. 3: Eliminate What Keeps You In Your Rut

Make sure you have completed Why You Are In A Rut and What Is Your Rut Trying To Teach You prior to this!

Journal: Day 3

Eliminating distractions & bad habits

When you veer away from your Core Values and Purpose, you often use distractions, bad habits, toxic people or activities to cope with your rut. Whether that mean social situations, drugs and alcohol, food, TV/gaming/social media, shopping, etc. These are keeping you in your rut and pushing you farther away from your Core Values. You need to take inventory and eliminate anything that does not align with your Core Values. The minute that you start removing anything that doesn't serve your authenticity, you start stepping into your worth and create space for what you actually want (& deserve) in life!

What you consume, the work you do, who you surround yourself with, where you spend your time and energy, the material items in your life, the busy work - all should be in alignment with your Core Values.

A good way to determine whether something is serving your authenticity is to ask, “Does this make me feel good? Do I love it? Do I use/see/interact/enjoy it often? How do I feel around this space/person/job?”

Especially right now, I understand that there are toxic things in your life that you may not be able to shed at this moment because of survival needs (job, living situation, relationship, etc.). You do not need to shed this right now, but we will make a plan to step into your authenticity when you are able to finally walk away. Right now, those things are going help you learn lessons and give you tools to follow your Core Values later.

  1. Are there areas in your life where you aren’t being true to yourself? Living up to other people’s expectations? Doing things to be accepted or loved? Anything (and anyone) that requires you to be someone you’re not.

  2. What information, ideas, rules, “acceptable” qualities or actions are you consuming through social media, the news, or your peers that isn’t in alignment with your Core Values?

  3. What are you unable to eliminate right now because of survival needs? List them and then list 5-10 reasons why they are teaching you the lessons, tools, or gifts that will help you realize and grow your Core Values.

  4. If the above question applied to you, create an exit strategy for how you will eliminate them in the future.

  5. Why are you using bad habits, coping mechanisms, or distractions? To escape? To receive love and acceptance? Validation? Don’t believe that you are worthy of the good things you want in life (self-sabotaging)? Now list 5 positive or constructive habits, that are in alignment with your Core Values, that will give you the same benefits and lead you back to your authenticity.

  6. Create a strategy to replace your distractions with your new habits to set you up for daily success.

When you get clear on your Core Values, figure out what your rut is trying to teach you, and start to eliminate things that are keeping you small and inauthentic, the Universe/God/Source will try to make sure that you are really truly stepping into your worth or if you will sink back into your old habits.

Testing Out Of Your Rut journaling prompts coming next!